Министерство просвещения Российской федерации

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Томский государственный педагогический университет

Итоги конкурса переводов

Results of the translation contest

The results of the translation contest which was organised by the Department of Translation are summed up. 46 students of schools and gymnasiums of Tomsk (schools 4, 40, 22, 2, 33, Academic liceum, gymnasium 29) took part in the competition as well as the students of TSPU. The prizes were distributed asfollows:

among students of TSPU:
1st place – Shcherbina Yunona, group 263
2nd place – Zhban Ekaterina, group 276
3d place – Abasheva Sofia, group 276, and Shirokih Anastasia, group 266

among students of schools:
1st place – Antonova Ekaterina, school 22, grade 10B
2nd place – Zhelnorovich Vladimir, school 40, grade 8G
3d place – Bunyakova Anastasia, Academic Liceum, grade 9

The participants of the contest can get certificates and diplomas at the Department of Translation (main building on Komsomolski prospekt, Room 425)

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