Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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Students of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University Eduard Obangatsongo and Cedric Lord, who came to study from the Republic of the Congo, became the winners of in a category of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of student projects "Crystal Orange".

Together with the teachers of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the TSPU African students developed a project to promote the education at the TSPU and Siberian universities for foreign students "Afrosiberians: survival guide." Using the format of animation clips, the guys told their story of their arrival in Russia, Siberia, shared the secrets of adaptation to life in another country, as well as studying in a Russian university.

"Clips were about coming to Siberia, a new climate, studying, living in a hostel, new friends, traveling. We created two videos that tell the story of Edward in the first person. The student was so carried away that he made additional commercials about the benefits of studying at the TSPU, - told A.P. Glukhov, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, head of the team. - Then it was necessary to draw up a description of the project. Our African students "fought" with the difficult Russian language, because it was difficult for them to learn numerous declensions and conjugations, graduation and other issues. Finally, the project was ready to be sent to the contest. "

The ceremony of the regional stage awarding of the "Crystal Orange" took place on the last Friday. The project of students of TSPU was highly appreciated by the jury and won first place in the nomination "Public relations, advertising and media technologies in the international sphere - the image of Russia." The winners of the nominations that have overcome the regional stage will be able to present their projects at the all-Russian level, the results of which will be summed up in July 2018.