Tomsk State Pedagogical University


On 10th of February the festival of camp leaders took place in of Tomsk schools. Among the participants of the festival were the teams of schoolchildren of 6-10 grades from 10 schools of Tomsk district (Bogashevso, Zonalnaya, Kaltay, Kaftanchikovo, Kurleksk, Luchanovo, Moryakovo, Novo-Arkhangelsk, Rassvetovsk, Turuntayevsk). 

Student of TSPU were the organizers of the event. They prepared games for the children, workshops as well as organized playgrounds for presentations of school children's organizations. The most memorable event both for participants and organizers was a closing concert, where creative ideas were embodied. Schoolchildren got new impressions and a new vision of how the work of camp leaders can be organized and sure they can’t wait for the next meeting.