Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Anniversary celebration at TSPU

Last Friday, many guests gathered in the assembly hall of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University: representatives of city and regional administrations, rectors of Tomsk universities, staff, teachers and students of the TSPU came to participate in the anniversary of the leading pedagogical university of the country. 

In the evening, a gala concert with live music was held in the Teacher's Park of the TSPU. Students had fun and danced, there were contests with valuable gifts and photosession for everyone. The rector of the TSPU V.V. Obukhov had awarded the most active students with insignia. A special surprise of the evening was a festive cake with the image of the university and all of the faculties of TSPU. Everyone was able to blow out an improvised candle, make a wish and taste a piece with the thought: "TSPU. Everything starts here ... "