Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Blindart at TSPU

What can you create in the absence of light? The residents of Business Incubator of Tomsk State Pedagogical University helped tried to answer this question during the "dark art" event, which took place on the basis of the university.

Blindfolded, without the ability to look at what they are doing, enthusiasts engaged in drawing and modeling. This activity develops a sense of empathy, and makes us think that the world without colors exists too.

During the coffee break, the participants exchanged their experience and thoughts. People feel helpless in the first minutes, when they did not use eyesight, but then begin perceive sounds, smells and objects that they have in their hands.

During joint discussions, participants concluded that life is hard for people disabled people in the modern world, and how important it is to engage in activities of Blackvist project - the removal of barriers in communication between the sighted and people with sight problems.