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All-Russian theoretical and practical conference at TSPU

The employees of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University will organize the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychodiadactics of Mathematical Education: Planning the Modern Educational Results in School and University", which will be held at the University on March 23, 2017. The event will be held with the support of the Tomsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Education Workers, Information and Methodological Center of Tomsk.

About one hundred participants from Moscow, Barnaul, Bryansk, Pskov, Tomsk, Voronezh, Ulan-Ude and other Russian cities will present their reports within the framework of the plenary meeting of the conference and the work of two sections: "Implementation of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education by Means of Psychodactactics" and "Implementation of the Psychodactical Approach in the Educational Process”. At the end of the conference, a discussion platform on the corresponding educational problems will be organized.

As the organizers of the conference note, in the context of the transition of school education to the new Federal State Educational Standard that is focused on formation of the ability to learn, the topical problem remains the using of the pattern of the mental (intellectual and personal) development of students. This issue will be discussed at the conference "Psychodidactics of Mathematical Education: Planning the Modern Educational Results in School and University."