Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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  • Polishchuk Oleg Hemovich is awarded with diplomas and MEDAL OF EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL CHAMBER

Polishchuk Oleg Hemovich is awarded with diplomas and MEDAL OF EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL CHAMBER

Diploma of the European scientific and industrial chamber (Diploma di Merito) and a medal for exceptional professional achievements were given to Oleg Polishchuk Hemovichu, the professor of TSPU, Doctor of Chemistry, professor of department for Chemistry and methods of Chemistry teaching of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Faculty of TSPU. Diploma and Medal of the European scientific and industrial chamber are given to honored workers of science, education and culture. These awards, as claimed by the founders, gives a number of privileges, including the requirement to provide help and support by officials, and can be used both for domestic use and in traveling abroad.



Поздравляем Олега Хемовича и желаем дальнейших профессиональных успехов!