Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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On September 4, employees of the TSPU and colleagues from the Kenya Institute of Foreign Languages officially launched the Center for Open Education in Russian and Russian language teaching in Nairobi (Kenya). The Center was established within the framework of the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to promote the Russian language in friendly countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Center is a structural subdivision of the Institute of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation of the TSPU.

Before the opening of the Center, Vadim Zyubanov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation of the TSPU, visited Kenya. The Center will be staffed by members of the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication of the TSPU.

Зюбанов"The main goal of the Center is to promote the Russian educational and culture. Kenya is one of the fastest developing countries in Africa, but its population knows very little about Russia, Russian education and culture. Through our courses and activities we want to interest Kenyans and motivate them to further study Russian language, literature and culture. Upon completion of the courses we hope to form a group of Kenyan citizens who will help us in further promotion of the Russian language and Russian values among their fellow countrymen", - says V.Y. Zyubanov.

On August 30, the TSPU staff and the Director of the Institute in Kenya, Dr. Hassan Omar Kinyua. Hassan Omar Kinyua signed a Memorandum of Understanding defining common ideas on the realization of joint activities.

About 300 Kenyan citizens accepted the invitation to study the Russian language offered by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kenya. Classes at the Center began as early as the opening day. By the end of December six courses in Russian and three events of enlightening, scientific, methodological and educational nature will be realized.

Within the framework of the course "Country Studies of Russia" the students will get to know modern Russia, its customs and traditions. Besides, they will undergo educational blocks "Learning to read and speak Russian", "Russian as a foreign language (basic level)", "Russian as a foreign language (intermediate level)", " Workshop on graphics and orthography of Russian as a foreign language", "Basics of Russian speech etiquette". The program will also include an educational event "Acquaintance with Russian culture and life", a research event "Journey around Russia" and an educational event "Russian sit-downs".

Upon completion of the courses, the students will receive certificates from the TSPU confirming the completion of the program. The university representatives plan to launch a course for the advanced level of training.